
Department of Human Nutrition and Food Science                                      

California State Polytechnique University, Pomona, California, USA

Assistant Professor (Aug 2020 - Present)



Research and Scholarly Work 

School of Public Health

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (June 2019 - Aug 2020)

Project: Indigenous Youth Mentorship Program (IYMP)

Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science                                  

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

CIHR - AHS Health System Impact Fellow (Sept. 2017 – May 2019)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Project: Health Initiatives for Indigenous Communities of Alberta (HIICA).

Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science                                       

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Sept 2015 – Aug 2017)                                               

Projects: Pure Prairie living Program - A pilot study to investigate the effectiveness of a Community Based Lifestyle Intervention || A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the Pure Prairie Living Program – A lifestyle intervention.

Project: Estimation of relative glycemic impact and digestibility of isomalto-oligosaccharides in healthy adults. Single blinded, randomized, cross over study.

Project: Dietary Patterns of South Asians in Alberta and their risk for Chronic Diseases –Retrospective analysis of Alberta Tomorrow project data.

Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science                                       

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Feb 2013 – June 2014)

Project: Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition Study (APrON).

Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 

Instructor/ Guest Lectures (2012 – Present)

Course: Optional electives for Medical Students/ Residents, Fall 2019 (2 sessions) 

Topic: Theories of Personal Behaviour Changes

Course: NUTR 477 – Advanced Community Nutrition, Fall 2018, Fall 2019

Topic: Impact of global food security on malnutrition

Topic: Food (In)security in India

Course: NUFS 458 – Current Topics and Controversies in Nutrition, Winter 2018

Topic: Current Topics in Indigenous Peoples Health

Topic: Indigenous Health Initiatives

Course: NUTR 477 – Advanced Community Nutrition, Fall 2017

Topic: Nutritious Food Baskets- Food Costing

Topic: Impact of global food security on malnutrition

Topic: Food (In)security in India

Course: NUTR 377 – Introduction to Nutrition in the Community, Winter 2016.

Topic: Determinants of gestational weight gain in Albertan women

Course: NUTR 400 – Research Methods in Nutritional Science, Fall 2013.

Topic: Giving a scientific presentation.

Course: NUTR 400 – Research Methods in Nutritional Science, Fall 2012.

Topic: Gestational weight gain and pre-pregnancy BMI are associated with infant anthropometrics at birth and 3 months of age.

Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science                                       

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Teaching Assistant (2011– 2017)

Course: NUTR 477 – Advanced Community Nutrition- Fall 2017.

Course: ALES 204 – Communication Fundamentals for Professionals, Fall 2016 & Winter 2017.

Course: NUTR 377 – Introduction to Nutrition in the Community, Winter 2016.

Course: NUFS 356 – Nutrition Across the Lifespan, Winter 2012. 

Course: NUTR 100 – Nutrition and Wellbeing, Fall 2011. 

Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science                                       

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Mentoring (2009 – Present)

1. Graduate and Undergraduate Research Project Supervision

4th Year Undergraduate Research Project: Summer 2018 – Summer 2019.

Topic: Access to Health Care Services in the Indigenous Communities of Canada

PhD Student- Winter 2017- Winter 2018

Topic: A randomized control trail to evaluate the effectiveness of Pure Prairie Living Program- a community-based lifestyle intervention.


Master’s Student: Fall 2013 – Winter 2016.

Topic: Estimation of calcium and vitamin D intake among pregnant and lactating women in Alberta. 

4th Year Undergraduate Research Project: Summer 2013 – Winter 2014.

Topic: Supplementation is needed to ensure women meet the recommendations for omega-3 long chain fatty acids during pregnancy and lactation.

4th Year Undergraduate Research Project: Summer 2013.

Topic: Comparison of online vs interview methods of assessing 24 hours dietary intake recalls in the APrON cohort.

2. NUTR 400 and NUTR 401 Courses Based Independent Undergraduate Student Research

Project Supervision of:

Two 4th year Undergraduates, Fall 2016 - Winter 2017

Topic: Self-Monitoring Using Food Records - Is There a Greater Degree of Success with Weight Management Based on the Method of Food Journaling.

Two 4th year Undergraduates, Fall 2015 – Winter 2016.

Topic: Estimation of relative glycemic impact and digestibility of Isomalto-oligosaccharides in healthy adults.

4th year Undergraduate, Fall 2013 – Winter 2014

Topic: Association of maternal socio-economic status, infant feeding and seasonality with Vitamin D supplementation of 3 month old infants from the Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition Study.

Three 4th year Undergraduates, Fall 2013 – Winter 2014.

Topic: Cross-sectional study of feeding practices of one year old infants participating in the Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition Study.

Three 4th year Undergraduates, Fall 2012 – Winter 2013.

Topic: Dietary intake of women in the Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition Study prior to pregnancy.

3. Summer Student Research Project Supervision:

Grade 11 Summer Student, Summer 2016

Topic: The Effect of the PPLP on Dietary Adherence, Nutritional Self-Efficacy and Health       Characteristics in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.

Grade 11 Summer Student, Summer 2013.

Topic: Description of feeding practices of 3 month infants by women in the Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition Study.

Grade 11 Summer Student, Summer 2012.

Topic: Association between pre-pregnancy physical activity on gestational weight gain among pregnant women in the Apron Study.

2nd year Medical Undergraduate, Summer 2009.

Topic: Inter- and Intra-Observer Variability in Anthropometric Assessment of pregnant women in the APrON Study.

School of Biomedical Sciences                                                                     

Taylor’s University College, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Lecturer (Feb 2005 – Mar 2007)

Teaching Pedagogy and Relevant Experience

Faculty & Staff Summer Conference: Pathways to the Future: Exploring the Intersection of Learning, Work, and Community May 31- June 2, 2023, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Building 162, Cal Poly Pomona, CA, USA 

Huntley Teacher Development Forum, Sept.23, 2022; Feb 17, 2023; Mar. 3, 2023-11:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Virtual Meetings, Cal Poly Pomona, CA, USA

CCE Faculty Fellows Monthly Meeting (2 hours/ session)-Fall 2022- Spring 2023

CPP INVESTS - CUREs FLC Sept. 21, 2022, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM, Building 1, Room 318, Cal Poly Pomona, CA, USA

Learn Through Discovery Summer Conference: Inclusive Excellence in Poly X- Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences, Community Engagement and First year Experience – June1-3, 2022, Cal Poly Pomona, CA, USA

Polyx Writing Workshop April 6, 2022- 12:00-1:30 PM, Cal Poly Pomona, CA, USA

Spring 2022 First Year Experience STEM Faculty Learning Community Meeting, Feb- May 2022, Cal Poly Pomona, CA, USA

Learn Through Discovery: Winter Institute: Develop, Design, and Deepen Your PolyX, Jan 19-20, 2022

Faculty Community of Practice: Inclusive and Equity-Minded Content in STEM: Led by Victoria Bhavsar- CAFÉ, Cal Poly Pomona- Fall 2021- Spring 2022

Introduction to Teaching with Canvas Led by Lara Killick- June 14-28, 2021

CAFE's Inclusive & Equitable Hybrid & Flipped Course Design Experience 2021: Led by Victoria Bhavsar, CAFÉ, Cal Poly Pomona- July 6 to July 26, 2021

LTD Summer Institute 2021:  An Invitation to Develop Conscious Engagement, Self-Inquiry, and Application 

Equity Based Teaching: USC Equity Institute. Received Certificate in Equity Minded Teaching Institute from University of Southern California, Spring 2021

Remote Course Design: Summer 2020, Hosted by CAFÉ, Cal Poly Pomona

Graduate Teaching and Learning Course: GTL Level 3-Pedagogy and Course Design-Deepening Understanding – Faculty of Graduate Research Studies, University of Alberta, Canada. Winter 2018. Level 3 is aimed at deepening knowledge of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning principles in teaching and learning in higher education. This course focuses on two integrated themes: 1) build skills in course design and assessment practices; and, 2) build skills in classroom management and leadership. Participants are introduced to basics in pedagogical theory, course design and recent literature about teaching and learning in higher education, workplace professionalism and ethical practices in teaching, and build capacity to provide constructive feedback and to receive and respond to feedback.

Graduate Teaching and Learning Course - GTL Level 1 and 2 Course, Faculty of Graduate Research Studies, University of Alberta, Canada. Winter 2016. Offers training in Pedagogical skills, using innovative approaches in teaching.

Participated in monthly “Graduate Teaching Learning Circle” organised by the Faculty of Graduate Research Studies, University of Alberta, Canada.  Winter 2016. These sessions enable discussion among graduate students/postdoctoral fellows to discuss difficulties in teaching learning situations faced during their experience as a TA, instructor etc. to ensure effective teaching practices and to brain storm ideas and offer a support system and networking opportunity. 

Graduate student representative - Research coordination committee: Alberta Institute for Human Nutrition, Alberta, Canada. Fall 2011 – Winter 2012.

Judging Undergraduate capping project poster presentation at the University of Alberta for the course Nutrition 401: April 2017, April 2014, April 2013, April 2012, April 2011.

Judging poster presentation at the Alberta Diabetes Institute Research Day, Oct 2015.

Professional Organization Committee Experience

Region Chairperson, Los Angeles Region California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics - Dec 2022- Present

Education Chair, Los Angeles Region California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics - June 2021- Present

Professional Resource Chair, Executive Board - Indians Member Interest Group (IND MIG), Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: June 2021-May 2023

Los Angeles Region California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics- District Diversity Equity and Inclusivity Task Force: Spring 2021- Present

Mini Medical Interviews- 2019, 2017. Was a MMI interviewer for selection of dietetic interns applying to the Integrated Dietetic Internship Program at the University of Alberta.

Chair, Indigenous Youth Mentorship Program (IYMP) Coordinator Meetings : Sept 2019 – Present.  Lead bi-monthly meetings with IYMP research coordinators from 13 communities across Canada to discuss data collection protocols, ethics application requirements/amendments, adaption of implementation protocols, participant training opportunities, quarterly newsletter content, sharing of resources etc.  

Secretary, Alexander Research Committee (A Collaboration between the Alexander First Nation and researchers from the University of Alberta): Fall 2019 – Fall 2020. Schedule monthly meeting, send email invitations, create meeting agenda and meeting minutes, update shared drive with resources/ documents/ manuscripts etc., on a regular basis.

Member, Dietitians of Canada Student Awards Review Committee:  Winter 2018, Winter 2019, Winter 2020, Winter 2021. Review, evaluate, score and rank student applications for  Canadian Federation for Dietetic Research studentship awards.

Chair WCHRI Trainee Advisory Committee: Fall 2019 – Fall 2020.

Member WCHRI Trainee Advisory Committee: Winter 2019 – Summer 2019     https://www.wchri.org/governance Lead monthly meetings to discuss, brainstorm and propose strategies, programs, webinars, talks and collaborations with other university programs to benefit WCHRI supported trainees (summer, undergraduate, graduate students) and other students interested in availing research training or professional development. 

Festival of Teaching and Learning Peer Reviewer– Winter 2019 Review, evaluate and provide feedback to the 2019 Festival of Teaching and Learning proposal submissions.

Member of Agriculture Food and Nutritional Science Orientation Committee. Fall 2011 – Winter 2012. Organised orientation program for the new graduate students. Recruited mentors and paired them with new graduate students. Was the contact person for new graduate students and emailed them information on orientation program, registration/ obtaining student identity card/transport/ housing etc.

Review Board

Member of the Reviewer Board for MDPI Healthcare Journal

Community Services